
Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Nuansa Bening


this morning, I've heard a song that make me so happy ^_^
it's really make me feel a reincarnation of my heart...
i replay this song for 5 times...
my mother was confuse and said
"what going on with u? do you like it? me too. this is old song.
I've heard this song when I'm in school"
then i asked her about the meaning of the song. my mother just smile
and said " you like it, I'm sure you know what the meaning is"
"why?" i asked.
my mother just smile and leave me alone..
hmm... i really don't know why...
i just believe that this song can make me have a spirit about him..

29 maret 2009
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Minggu, 22 Maret 2009

Superstars From Tif 07 D :D

nah, ini anak2 tif D...
kami angkatang 07...
cakep2 kan???

ga semua nih, superstar nya...
yang ada di sini cuma yang ikut KBM doang...
wait, tau kan KBM apaan??
KBM ntu nama lokasi syuting...
(whew??? knapa ga BBM aja skalian?)
canda dink... :D
KBM ntu Kegiatan Bakti Mhasiswa...
ehmmm... jadi nostalgia dech...
oko dech, let me introduce them to all of you...
dari kiri atas
Mas Jadno, Joko, Arief, Freddy, Ikhsan
Batri, Febri, Budi, Fadhli, Said, Yadi,
Rizky, Leo, Yoni, Khairul, Herman, Zainal,
Fidya, Mayang, Lina, Titin, Vera, Mutho,
Sonya, Tiwi, Aya, Imel
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Jumat, 20 Maret 2009




butuh File Topologi jaringan??

just clik this link...

download Topologi Jaringan
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Bagi teman2 yang butuh file tentang normalisasi
silahkan download disini aja yach...
Downlooad Normalisasi
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